
What did you learn?How did you complete your research?
I learned that having an agenda is very helpful to organize activities. Since it was the first day we didn’t complete a lot

Did you make changes to your passion project?If so,what were they?If not,why not?
I didn’t make any changes as a matter of fact the changes I made zero changes.As I stated,it was our first  day and we just complete our organizers.

What questions do you have after today?How can you find some of these answers?
I had no question because I didn’t start my project yet.

What took up majority of your time today?Was this a success or do you need to rethink your ideas?
The agenda took up most of my time today. I guess today was a good start.

What do you need to do/get before next genius hour?
I need to get a gmail account and a blogger account,so I can make blogs for people to comment on.

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