How the Gas Tank Works in a Vehicle?

How the Gas Tank Works in a Vehicle?

The vehicle engine burns a mixture of petrol and air. Through a tube, the petroleum goes to the carburetor( a device that produce a mixture to create  a fume). In some cars there is a system called 'the fuel injection systems' that allows the petroleum to get mixed in the inlet manifold ( a series of pipe that has a common opening). Then, a fuel pump draws petrol out (in a gas form) via a carburetor. For safety, the exhaust pipe is at opposite end from the engine just in case their is a faulty in either parts it doesn't exploded. There is float connected to the petroleum gauge and the exhaust pipe. There is a float(a rubber "shield" for the wire),so the wire doesn't spark(fire and electricity) and ignite the petroleum and exploded. Some cars have a carbon filters which allows the fuel fume to not escape.

Tip: When the gas pump makes a THUD! sound, stop filling fuel in your car(let go of the lever) because if you keep on adding more fuel liters in your car, you engine will die faster and it might leave a gas trial behind which is dangerous.


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