Turning Mechanisms

Turning Mechanisms

In the steering wheel there is a rod that contains a mesh gear that rotates the wheel by anther rod in the bottom of the car. In the middle of the second rod there is a pinion(ball) that allows you to maneuver the car 270 degrees. The worm gear allows the car to drive forward or reverse backwards. It is connected from the wheel to a steering to the acceleration pedal/brake pedal to the shifting gear. In the wheel there is a ball that rotates in the wheel to make the car wheel spin. The more you accelerate, the faster the ball will spin. To now how you fast the the 4 balls are spin(one ball for each wheel), on screen on the driver's there is a dial that states RPM (rounds per minute). Note:that although the dial has from 0-10, every number equals to 1000 rounds. Say you are going 3 on the dial, the ball in wheel is actually going 3000 times in a minute (the ball is spinning 50 times in a second. If your dial indicates that your are going 8-10 RPM( x 1000), that means you are going way to fast and if you maintain that for along time, then you'll wheel will burn off soon. To maintain a smooth turn, you have to oil your car from the engine to have a greasy (but not too greasy) steering rod.

The List of How Many Rounds You are Going

1=1 000(rpm):1=16.67(rps)
2=2 000(rpm):2=33.33(rps)
3=3 000(rpm):3=50(rps)
4=4 000(rpm):4=66.67(rps)
5=5 000(rpm):5=83.33(rps)
6=6 000(rpm):6=100(rps)
7=7 000(rpm):7=116.67(rps)
8=8 000(rpm):8=133.33(rps)
9=9 000(rpm):9=150(rps)
10=10 000(rpm):10=166.67(rps)

Information from: http://www.howacarworks.com/basics/how-the-steering-system-works 

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