Friday, May 13, 2016


What did you learn?How did you complete your research?
I learned the functions of the lighting system in a vehicle. I've learned the essential in a headlight and the temperature in a bulb. I completed my research by researching on this website called: It informs you (in detail) about how the lighting system works. Since that website has some complicated words I deiced to take the basis of the information and "put it in my own words"
Did you make changes to your passion project?If so,what were they?If not,why not?
I din't make any changes to my project because I fell like if I go another "direction" I can't finish my project on time.
What questions do you have after today?How can you find some of these answers?
My top question I had for the day is "how does the lighting system work in an automobile?" I got all my answers from this website that I previously mentioned called:
What took up majority of your time today?Was this a success or do you need to rethink your ideas?
Researching and inputting my reseacrh on my blog took the most time today. I think that today was a successful day.
What do you need to do/get before next genius hour?
I need to find a website to get some information to upload on my blog for next week.

1 comment:

  1. Harish, your blog is very interesting to see since you have a great passion for automobiles. I can see that you are keeping up with your work, updating your blog every week. A few suggestions; change the background to something your topic is about so it gets the audience into the mood of wanting to learn more about your topic, I think you should put your tabs on the side in order, by organizing it into subtopics and reflections, try to remove anything not needed on the home page and leave it on its own page, and make your blog title more eye catching! Overall, everything is very detailed and well done. :D
