Saturday, May 28, 2016


What did you learn?How did you complete your research?
I learned how the petroleum system works in a vehicle using a website called: It told me about that to make gas fume you need petroleum and air. The used several amount of tube to filter it,releases energy and take in energy.
Did you make changes to your passion project?If so,what were they?If not,why not?
I didn't make any changes to my project because, I feel like if I tell my viewers that  body parts and systems in a vehicle, my question can get some answers.
What questions do you have after today?How can you find some of these answers?
My major question was: how does the fuel system work in a vehicle? I found all my answers at : 
What took up majority of your time today?Was this a success or do you need to rethink your ideas?
Finding my data for this topic took up up majority of the time. Inputting the data took the same time as finding my data because I had to simplify the information, so my viewers can understand what I am saying.
What do you need to do/get before next genius hour?
I need to find a another topic, in order to research about it.

1 comment:

  1. I don't understand what your background is and how it relates. Good information. It helped me understand the complex topic. Don't add to much information so you don't have anything to share in your presentation.
