Monday, April 11, 2016


What did you learn?How did you complete your research?
I learned that having an agenda is very helpful to organize activities. Since it was the first day we didn’t complete a lot

Did you make changes to your passion project?If so,what were they?If not,why not?
I didn’t make any changes as a matter of fact the changes I made zero changes.As I stated,it was our first  day and we just complete our organizers.

What questions do you have after today?How can you find some of these answers?
I had no question because I didn’t start my project yet.

What took up majority of your time today?Was this a success or do you need to rethink your ideas?
The agenda took up most of my time today. I guess today was a good start.

What do you need to do/get before next genius hour?
I need to get a gmail account and a blogger account,so I can make blogs for people to comment on.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Steps
    -Organize your work(Put pages)
    -Your background is not related to your topic. You could put your background as a car
    -Work on grammar

    -The words are clear
    -Your website link relates to your topic
    -Completed your reflections and agenda
    -You know what you are doing

    -You could add an image of a cars engine

    To start off your project it is superb

  3. Harish, I really like the fact you choose to learn about automobiles and how they work. I know that when you get older you want to become a mechanic (or something like that, I forgot XD) and if you keep learning about it, it will be very helpful later on. I agree with Gurivr with adding pictures to help the readers to understand what your talking about. You should also add a post (the main page or first page the readers see) to help people know a brief description about your blog. If you don't know yet, to put a post go to: or press the logo at the top left of your blog, and at the left side it will say post. Overall, Your blog is amazing and can't wait to see what you will present on June 2 XD
    -Michele Chung
    P.s learning about automobiles
    are probably more useful than
    learning about manga XD
